Senin, 11 April 2011

Daycare Center in Ayamonte

Daycare Center in Ayamonte. The nursery bends and turns to meet the plunged plane of the park eight feet below the road, establishing a relationship of maximum transparency and complementarity with the degraded park inducing its recovery. This notion of nexus that joins different links of the public spaces suggests slow transitions between public spaces and the building interior, by inserting two cushion-spaces that allow a paused access through the north ramp and the deep south porch.  

A public building should be able to not have doors. We think these buildings as fragments technified network connected public spaces throughout the city, whilst retaining its membership of the same nature as the streets, squares and gardens. From this discussion we propose that the Education Center will become a transit device and conciliation between the city and the park where it lies abandoned, giving meaning to it as a place to play and be for the neighbors and children.

The nursery bends and turns to meet the plane plunged park eight feet below the road, establishing a relationship of maximum transparency and complementarity with the park gradient and inducing it to recover. This notion of nexus that links different chains of public space suggests slow transitions between public space and the interior of the building, by inserting two spaces that allow access mattress leisurely through the north ramp and the deep south porch, dilute the boundary between inside and outside the nursery and reconcile public and private.

Type                      : Educational
Location                : Calle de Carlos Cano                                   
                                 Ayamonte, 21400 
Building status     : built in 2005
Building area        : 1117 m2
A project by          : Sol89
Architecture, Interior, Masterplan

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