Kamis, 21 April 2011

University Library Utrecht

University Library Utrecht. The UBU, comparable to a flight data recorder, is more than a place where people can consult books. The book depots, which seem to float like clouds, divide the space into zones connected by stairs and slopes.The depots in black concrete are arranged between the reading rooms, and enclosing both is a partly double-glazed fade to which a silk-screened pattern has been applied to filter natural light entering the building.

University Library Utrecht Exterior
On one side of the building is the university campus, and the interior offers a view of the surrounding open countryside; on the other side of the building is the inner courtyard and beyond it the long ramps that rise up inside the car park. Long white tables make it possible to read a book or to consult electronic information in comfort. The individual workplace with full facilities is the key element and is positioned in such a way that the user's choice of location also determines the degree of communication with other users.

University Library Utrecht Interior

University Library Utrecht Interior
 Absorption versus confrontation, concentrated study versus communication - these are the main aspects of this library where the infrastructure fulfills more than one function. The route through the building is also programmed by it, since the bar, the lounge area, the reception corner (cocktail corner), the auditorium and the desks are all fitted with red rubber.

University Library Utrecht Interior
Type                 : Educational - College or University
Location          : Heidelberglaan 3
                           Utrecht, 3584

Site type          : urban
Building status: built in 2004
A project by     : Wiel Arets Architects
                            Architecture, Interior

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