Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Definition of Interior Design

Definition of Interior Design. At first, only the interior design focuses on functionality alone, but on further developments, interior design has an outreach even further is to include all the elements of beauty from various aspects so that ultimately provide a physical and spiritual satisfaction for the occupants or other words that is that interior design should be able to meet the various needs of residents are satisfactory. The designer should strive to create an interior atmosphere in such a way as to be able to provide protection, comfort, security and creates a feeling of home in an atmosphere that intertwined with the surrounding environment.

Interior design is the work of architects or designers particular with regard to the inside of a building, the forms along the development of science and technology in the design process is always influenced by elements of the local geography and social customs embodied in contemporary styles.

Definition of interior design is very broad, involving a variety of aspects, technical, economic, social, cultural and human life in its present form because it reflects the thoughts contained therein and the conceptions of past, present and future. The position of interior design as science is part of the Architectural Science, as a result of rapid developments in the field of Technology, Science and Art as a whole.

Its role is becoming increasingly clear, with a close relationship between humans and the more so in the architecture of the 20th century, namely the creation of equipment, supplies and new equipment for the needs of human life that would directly affect the direction and development of the discipline of interior design.

In the problem of spatial design, interior design term diguanakan deliberately caused by the system and the nature of work.

Suatau system design is applicable to all sorts of design where the emphasis is to see something not issue a separate or separate, but as a single unit where one problem with another mutual-mengkait hooks. Formerly in the world where architecture is no utility in the design of a building more concerned with outward appearance, only then designed what about the inside, then the next time there arose a priority to organizing the flow of space needs first, thought the new exterior shape or with a term commonly referred to form follows function and function follows form.

But now, in both desian system is no longer appropriate, because since the start of the plan peranangan personality inside and looked outside as well as environmental factors will form a harmonious unit or units, because environmental factors have the elements that go to support the success of a design.

With the system design, design is done in 3 phases with the following sequence.

First: The collection of various kinds of problems.
Two: Examining the issues one by one.
Third: Grouping problem, so how completion of the whole can be composed with the obvious.

Interior design involves the problem of human activity because people spend most of his life in deep space, they mnengatur instinctively with his own life influenced by environmental factors that circle, activities and behavior are reflected in the basic motives that drive and comes from elements in the human self itself. Humans always tend to perform different actions in each room, so that an interior designer should set the ways or create the spaces to be different also in function as a major factor in interior design system always focuses on the following elements:

a. Human
b. Space
c. Environmental

These three factors must be studied individually because cypress three elements with consideration of the interests will be produced before a basic design that is more stable. Human factors as the subject that occupies the space with him adrift environmental bond must be maintained unity in order to produce works that are able memcerminkan atmosphere from activities that occur in the space.

The purpose of the system design elements that give priority to the design of all the objects that are needed, where the designers are required to have a strong foundation and motivation to grow and develop optimally in the profession by creating new designs to meet essential needs in line with the progress technology. Humans are no longer sufficient with the physical elements alone but more than that.

Thus, the interior architectural design is not just a solution to the convenience of study, the structure or the performance of other factors, as claimed by the Roman architect Vitruvius one in 2000 yahun ago, namely Confinience, Strength and Beauty are then translated by the British writer Sir Henry Wotton as a Commodity, Firmness, and Delight.

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