Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM)

Architecture Landscape: Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM). Central Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki Arts popularly called Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) located street Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta Pusat, is a center for arts and culture. Here lies the Jakarta Arts Institute and Planetarium Jakarta. Moreover, TIM also has six modern theater, exhibition halls, galleries, archives building, and cinema.

Art events and culture are routinely performed at the center of this art, including the staging of drama, dance, puppets, music, poetry readings, painting exhibitions and film shows. Various types of traditional and contemporary art, whether an original tradition of Indonesia and from abroad can also be found in this place.

The name of the center of this art comes from the name of the famous songwriter Indonesia, Ismail Marzuki.


Officially opening by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Marine General Ali Sadikin, November 10, 1968. TIM is built over an area of ​​nine hectares of land area. This place used to be known as public recreation space 'Taman Raden Saleh' (TRS). Visitors 'TRS' in addition to enjoying the coolness of lungs of the city and watch the number of animals, also can watch the racing dogs in Treck 'Dog racing' which is now turned into offices and classrooms faculty students IKJ film and television. There is also a playing field of cement-floored roller skates. Other facilities are two movie theaters, Podium Garden Hall and complement the atmosphere of evening entertainment for people who love watching movies. But since 37 years ago such an atmosphere can no longer be found. Especially after the Bang Ali turn this place into TIM, Jakarta Arts Center.
  • Graha Bhakti Culture
Graha Bhakti Culture (GBB) is building a big show, has a capacity of 800 seats, 600 seats are downstairs and 200 seats in the balcony. Stage GBB-sized 15m x 10m x 6m. This building can be used for building concert performances of music, both traditional and modern theater, dance, film, and is equipped with lighting, sound system acoustics, and air conditioning.
  • Gallery Gallery Cipta II and III Notices
Gallery Cipta II (GC II) is a larger exhibition space than Galeri Cipta III (GC III). Both spaces can be used for exhibitions of painting, sculpture, discussions and seminars, and screenings of short films. This building can seat about 80 paintings and 20 sculptures and equipped with air conditioning, special lighting, sound systems and panels can be moved around.
  • Little Theatre / Studio Theatre
Represents the theater prepared for 200 people. This building has many functions such as performing arts theater, music, poetry readings, seminars, etc.. Little Theatre has a stage the size of 10m x 5m x 6m. This building is also equipped with acoustic systems, lighting and air conditioning.
  • Home Theater (Performing Arts Studio)
Prepared for the performing arts for young artists experimental theater and poetry, has a flexible capacity audience.
  • Plaza and Changes
TIM has ample parking which is a land versatile and can be used for various art shows open water.

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